
Monday, June 22, 2009

What is the planner calendar what is its main purpose?

The planner calendar is used for planning and setting up goals and action plans not only for the next day, but for long-term period. When you master the day planning, you're ready to proceed with planning the week. Here is one very important rule: DO NOT START THE WEEK BEFORE YOU SET UP ALL THE PLANS AND TASKS FOR THIS WEEK.

Then proceed with the month planning. Ask yourself: «What I need to do during this month?» The rule is the same: DO NOT START THE NEXT MONTH BEFORE YOU SET UP ALL THE PLANS AND GOALS FOR THIS MONTH.

Then you'll be able to manage your aims and goals for one month, then three months, six months and a year. I agree with you, if you're saying, that planning process is not a easy one and besides it takes some time, but I assure you, that by setting up goals and planning your life you will achieve considerable results in life, and will live much better lifestyle than those who does not do this. All your actions will be much more intelligent and efficient. They will become absolutely clear and focused on one primary goal. You will have to show the high level of self discipline. But if you do this, you can be considered as the master of your time. The planning process makes you thinking and gives a clear understanding of all your actions. The more you think about your actions and plan your activity, the faster you will achieve your goal and the greater result you will have.
The regular time planning allows you to devote more time and energy to the most important activity. This will increase the efficiency of your work in every field of your life.

The main advantage of the planning calendar is that you can plan the full vision of you life, forming and writing down all you goals for 5, 10, 20 year from now.

An additional planning tool, where you can combine all the tools listed above is the PC organizer. There are lots of good and easy to use planning software products. You can choose whatever is best for you. I can recommend the LeaderTask.
I wish you to become the master of your time!

Friday, May 22, 2009


This is the first and the main success secret.

What does it mean an ‘internal intention’?
’An intention’ means the readiness to have and act upon the achievement. ‘Internal’ means that your desire comes from the heart and not from the mind. Heart controls emotions, and mind controls logic. If the conflict arises between emotions and logic, every time in all cases emotions win. They are stronger then logic in our Universe. Our Universe is a large bundle of energy. And our emotions contain a small part of this energy. Only your emotions control your life. They are like a magnet, attract to you events that you go through in your mind. More detailed information about law of attraction .

Why do I say just ‘an intention’ not ‘a wish’? ‘A wish’ is a tool of a mind. It wishes something, when it is not ready to get this. Your mind wishes something, but this thing doesn’t matter to your heart. Therefore not all wishes come true. Wishes become a reality only, when they transform into a desire and then intention. In other words, when the person is ready to have what he wants, then the energy of desire transforms into direct effects, what makes a law of attraction to attract things into your physical reality.
I could not understood, how happens, that man wish to achieve something and do not take any actions towards it's achievement. Now it becomes clear why it happens that way. WISHES COME FROM THE MIND. If the heart is not in harmony with the mind this wish will not come true. A mental discomfort will push away the desired events from you. When the mind finds something, that is in line with your heart, you are ready to work and put your efforts towards achieving your dream. Then you simply stop wishing, and start acting. You realize, that it is already yours, but when it appears in your physical reality is just a matter of time. Your believe is so strong, that you start realizing, that your desire is on it's way to you.

Try to understand, what success in life means for you. Not always it is something material. Material things are results of success, but not the success itself. Each person wishes to have a large nice house, excellent car, but the heart of only a few people desire the same. The heart of others desire something else. We have come into this world absolutely different. We can not aim the public success. You have to find yor personal success. You will feel, when you really find your niche. It will be accompanied by the feeling of joy and happiness, absolute peace in mind. These feelings bring into your life a lot of good and become permanent positive source of vital energy. The most import success secret is to find your personal path in life and follow it!